Sunday, July 22, 2012

Meeting my Brother

So I have a brother, he was a year old when his mom moved him to Texas and started evading my father and in turn myself and my sister. I talked to him on the phone only a handful of times growing up and received one photo when I was 15. Other than that no contact with him, until his mom started on a downward spiral resulting in losing custody of him. He is now living in Texas as a foster child, we are all hopeful he will be joining our family permanently and choosing to live with my dad! I made a special trip to Goldendale for the occasion and I was so happy to see him and introduce him to my kids, his nephews, and get to know this teenage boy i knew nothing about. I caught myself about to cry a few times talking to him, I had missed him so much and had never stopped loving him all these years. We went fishing, which he loves, and he cooked a huge seafood feast for us that was delicious, he wants to be a chef!! I am so happy to have him back in my life, his birthday is next week, he will be 15 years old. It is never too late to start a new life.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Laugh a little..

I have so much fun with my kids. If I could just have fun with them all day everyday and ignore the cooking, cleaning, laundry, and all the other miscelleneous stuff that gets tossed in, my life would be perfect. Children are Amazing. They are so real, they tell it like it is, act how they feel, and want little more than to have an awesome time all the time. It is a mystery how some parents can't see this, some parents don't take joy from spending time with their children, they are always worried about how the house looks, how people see them, the next impressive thing they can do. Parents get caught up in it all and just forget to have a little laugh with the precious beings in their lives. I hope some read this and decide to do just that.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Moster Madness

It was a quiet and peaceful Saturday, and I asked my oldest Robert what he wanted to do and he said"I want to be a vampire". So I pulled out my face paint stash and started painting his face, he loved it and even requested bit marks on his neck!

Then he asked me to be a monster too, so I quickly transformed into a mummy, Asher into a sea monster and Baby Jax had to join in since he was adamantly trying to steal the face paint the entire time, he ended up looking like the baby from The Addams Family movie.

This is quite an odd way to spend a Saturday to some people, but I had a lot of fun and so did the boys. Face painting can be a great way to pass the hours, it allows parents to tap into their inner child, and children to use their imagination. I had a blast chasing my little monsters around and they were very sleepy that night.