As we make our way into the colder weather, sickness is bound to pop up at any moment! I thought I would share a few natural remedies we like to use to help you and your little ones when sickness strikes!
Flu: We use oscillacocconium, when we have the flu this is our go to homeopathic remedy, it drastically reduces the symptoms of the flu and helps get you better faster. It is expensive, so I buy mine at Costco.
Common Cold: We like to use Cold Calm another homeopathic remedy that can actually stop the cold right in it's tracks if you take it soon enough.
Stuffy nose/Congestion: I do not use Vicks vapor rub it actually has a lot of chemicals in it, and I am all about the natural. I use Eucalyptus oil. Make sure to rub on the bottoms of the feet as well as behind the ears, this works much better than on the chest.
Chest Congestion/Mucus: I like to rub garlic oil on the bottom of the feet this breaks up the mucus really well better than anything else. If you don't have garlic oil you can use a piece of garlic make sure to grate it on one side to get the juices flowing. First rub oil (olive, or coconut work great) on the bottom of the foot so their is a barrier between the garlic and the foot. Otherwise the garlic will burn the skin which believe me is no fun.
Ear Ache: A few drops of garlic oil in the ear twice a day will get rid of an earache. Not only does it cure the infection, it takes the pain away instantly, I also like to up the use of probiotics when treating any bacterial infection.
Fever: I use peppermint oil on the bottom of the feet, works great! In the case of a stubborn fever I will as a last resort use Ibproufen (Advil, Motrin) not Tylenol.
Tips to stay healthy:
1. Take a Multivitamin: I like to take a prenatal vitamin myself, and my kids take a childrens multivitamin with vitamin D and Calcium.
2. Take a Probiotic: Taking a probiotic is such a great idea for every member of the family, it does help with digestion, but it also helps your body have more good bacteria so it can fight bad bacteria better. If you have digestion problems you want to take a higher concentrate, I think about it like this the lower the digestion problem the higher the concentrate. I take a 5 billion concentrate because I am prone to UTI's, and cold sores, and when I am on a probiotic I don't get any. If you don't have digestion problems you can get away with taking a much lower concentrate like 5 million or so. Probiotics come in a variety of mediums e.g, pill, chewable tablet (great for kids), powder (great for kids), or liquid. Make sure to keep your probiotic in the fridge, it keeps those good bacteria alive!
3. Vitamin C: Everyone in my family takes at least a 500mg tablet of vitamin C daily even if your multivitamin already has some in it. When someone is sick we take 500mg 4 times a day, this boosts the immune system! We have gummy vitamin C oranges we love!
**I am not a doctor**I have done a huge amount of research, consulted my family doctor, and taken college courses. Please make sure to consult your medical professional before adding any vitamins to your diet. Some vitamins can cause adverse effects to medicines.